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1050 Ti MSI Afterburner Settings Guide

Last Updated on November 27, 2022 by Tech Questions

The Ti Afterburner is one of the most popular graphics cards on the market. It offers great performance and is very affordable. However, it can be a bit tricky to find the right settings for your card.

This guide will help you get the most out of your card and ensure that you are using it correctly.

The 1050 Ti is a great graphics card for budget gamers. It offers excellent performance and is very affordable. If you are looking to get the most out of your 1050 Ti, then you should consider using MSI Afterburner.

This software allows you to overclock your graphics card, which can lead to better performance in games. In this article, we will show you the optimal MSI Afterburner settings for the 1050 Ti.

Best GTX 1050 Ti Overclocking Settings Guide

What is the Max Overclock for 1050 Ti?

The 1050 Ti can overclock pretty well, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, the maximum stable overclock for your card will be limited by its VRM (voltage regulator module) and memory. Second, you’ll need to have a good cooling solution in place to ensure that your card doesn’t overheat and throttle during extended gaming sessions.

With those factors in mind, we’ve seen some 1050 Ti cards hit 2 GHz on the GPU core and 11 Gbps on the memory frequency. That’s a pretty impressive overclock, especially considering that the stock clock speeds for the 1050 Ti are only 1.35 GHz on the GPU core and 7 Gbps on the memory. If you’re looking to push your 1050 Ti even further, you may want to consider water cooling or installing an aftermarket cooler.

With proper cooling in place, it’s possible to hit even higher overclocks on both the GPU and memory frequencies.

Is Overclocking GTX 1050 Ti Worth It?

Overclocking can be done on almost any computer component these days to eek out a little more performance, and that includes graphics cards. The GTX 1050 Ti is no different, and can be overclocked to improve gaming performance. But is it worth doing?

Let’s take a look. First, let’s talk about what overclocking is and how it works. Overclocking is the practice of running a component at a higher than factory speed in order to boost performance.

It’s usually done by increasing the clock speed of the component, which makes it run faster. In order to overclock your GTX 1050 Ti you will need to use some software like MSI Afterburner or EVGA Precision XOC. Once you have that installed, you can start playing around with the settings to see what gives you the best results.

It’s important to keep an eye on temperatures when overclocking because if things get too hot they can start to degrade or even break. So, is it worth overclocking your GTX 1050 Ti? That really depends on what you want from your graphics card.

If you’re looking for a serious increase in gaming performance then you might be disappointed – while there are some gains to be had, they tend to be relatively small compared to other components in your system like the CPU or RAM. However, if you just want a bit of extra oomph then overclocking your GTX 1050 Ti could give you that without breaking the bank.

How Much Should I Overclock My GPU MSI Afterburner?

Assuming you’re referring to overclocking your GPU using MSI Afterburner, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure you have the latest version of MSI Afterburner installed. Second, overclock gradually and in small increments to avoid damaging your hardware.

Third, keep an eye on temperature levels and don’t overheat your GPU. With those things in mind, how much you should overclock your GPU will depend on what model you have and how well it responds to overclocking. Start by increasing the core clock speed by 10-20 MHz and see how that goes.

If everything looks good after running some benchmarks or stress tests, try pushing the clock speed up a bit more. Remember to increase the fan speed as needed to keep things cool. Ultimately, it’s up to you how far you want to push your GPU with overclocking.

Just be careful not to go too overboard and end up damaging your hardware!

Is MSI GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Good for Gaming?

The GTX 1050 Ti is a great budget option for gamers who are looking to get a decent graphics card without spending too much money. The GTX 1050 Ti is capable of running most games on medium to high settings at 60fps or higher, making it a great option for gamers who want to enjoy their games without having to spend too much money. The only downside of the GTX 1050 Ti is that it doesn’t have the power to run the latest AAA games on ultra settings, but it can still handle most games quite well.

Overall, the GTX 1050 Ti is a great budget graphics card that offers excellent value for money.

1050 Ti Msi Afterburner Settings

GTX 1050 Ti Overclock Settings

If you’re looking to overclock your GTX 1050 Ti, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First and foremost, you’ll need to make sure that your graphics card is capable of being overclocked. Most GTX 1050 Tis will be able to handle a slight overclock, but some may not be able to handle more than that.

Secondly, you’ll need to find a good overclock setting. This can be done by using a variety of different tools, such as MSI Afterburner or EVGA Precision XOC. Once you’ve found a good overclock setting, you’ll need to make sure that your GPU is running cool enough.

If it’s getting too hot, it’s likely that your overclock will cause instability issues. Finally, once you have everything set up and running smoothly, remember to enjoy the extra performance!

GTX 1050 Ti Overclock Settings MSI Afterburner Reddit

For anyone looking to overclock their GTX 1050 Ti, MSI Afterburner is the way to go. This simple software makes it easy to push your GPU to its limits, without any of the complexity that comes with other overclocking tools. Plus, thanks to its wide adoption by the community, there are plenty of resources available online if you need any help getting started.

To begin, fire up Afterburner and head over to the Settings tab. From here, you’ll want to check the “Unlock Voltage Control” and “Unlock Voltage Monitoring” boxes. With these enabled, you’ll be able to change both your GPU voltage and frequency in Afterburner.

For our purposes, we’re going to focus on core voltage first. Next, click on the Core Voltage/Frequency curve graph at the bottom of Afterburner’s window. By default, this will be set to a linear curve, meaning that your core voltage will increase linearly as you raise your GPU clock speed.

However, for most GTX 1050 Ti cards (including ours), it’s best to use an offset voltage curve. This means that you’ll increase your core voltage not by a set amount per MHz increase in clock speed, but by an percentage offset from your card’s base voltage. For example: if my card has a base voltage of 1v and I want to add 0.1v of extra voltage at all clock speeds above 1450MHz (the stock boost frequency), I would set my offset voltages like so:

Offset #1: Clock 1450-1620MHz @ +0%Offset (no extra voltage)

Offset #2: Clock 1621-1700MHz @ +10%Offset (adds 0.1v)

Offset #3: Clock 1701-1800MHz @ +20%Offset (adds 0.2v)

And so on until I reach my desired maximum overclock frequency… which in this case would be 2000MHz (+80% offset). It’s also worth noting that adding too much core voltage can cause instability and/or damage your GPU long term! So make sure not exceed 1v unless absolutely necessary…and even then only do so with proper cooling in place!

With our core voltages dialed in, it’s time to start playing around with frequencies! Head back over into Afterburner’s main window and find the “Core Clock” slider under the “General” settings tab; from here we can start raising our clock speeds incrementally until we reach our target overclock or run into stability issues… whichever comes first! As always when overclocking GPUs (or really any component in your PC for that matter), remember two things: keep an eye on temperatures and don’t be afraid TO back down if things start getting unstable!

GTX1050 Ti Best Overclock Settings

If you’re looking to overclock your GTX 1050 Ti, there are a few things you’ll need to take into account. First, what is your goal? What are you hoping to achieve by overclocking your card?

Once you know that, you can start adjusting settings. There are a few key things you’ll need to adjust in order to overclock your GTX 1050 Ti: GPU clock speed, memory clock speed, and voltage. You can find these settings in most overclocking software (GPU-Z, Afterburner, Precision XOC, etc.).

Start by increasing the GPU clock speed by 10-20MHz. If everything looks stable after a few minutes of testing, increase the voltage by 0.025V and test again. Repeat this process until you reach your desired overclock or start seeing instability.

At that point, back off on the voltage slightly and continue testing. For memory overclocks, start with a smaller increase of around 5-10MHz. Again, test for stability before making any further changes.

If everything looks good here too, continue pushing both the GPU and memory clocks until you reach your goals or see instability creep in. Once you’ve found your ideal settings, make sure to save them so you can easily apply them next time you boot up your PC!


Afterburner is a great tool for tweaking your graphics card settings to get the most out of it. However, there are a few things you need to know before you start playing around with the sliders. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about MSI Afterburner settings for 1050 Ti.

First, open up Afterburner and click on the Settings button in the top right corner. In the Settings window, go to the Monitoring tab and make sure that all of the boxes are checked except for “Log GPU Temperature”. This will ensure that Afterburner displays all of the relevant information on your screen while you’re gaming.

Next, go to the Fan tab and make sure that “Enable user defined software automatic fan control” is checked. Then, set the “Target temperature” to 65 degrees Celsius and click on OK. Now, when you launch a game, Afterburner will automatically ramp up your GPU fans to keep it cool at all times.

If you want to get even more out of your 1050 Ti, we recommend overclocking it using Afterburner as well. To do this, go back to the main window and increase both the “Core voltage (mV)” and “Power limit (%)” by 10%. Then, increase the “GPU core clock (MHz)” by 100 MHz and click on Apply at the bottom of the window.

Your 1050 Ti should now be running at its maximum potential!