Last Updated on November 11, 2022 by Tech Questions
If you want to make your text smaller on Tumblr, there are a few different ways that you can do it. One way is to use the HTML tag . This will make all of the text between the opening and closing tags appear smaller.
You can also use the CSS property font-size to change the size of your text. If you want to make a specific piece of text smaller, you can wrap it in a element and then use the style attribute to change the font-size.
- Click on the “Edit” icon located in the upper right-hand corner of your Tumblr dashboard
- Select the blog you want to edit from the menu that appears
- Find the “Theme” option in the left-hand column and click on it
- Scroll down to the “Customize Theme” section and click on the “Edit HTML” button
- Locate the code for your Tumblr header (should be near the top of the page) and change the font size attribute to a smaller value, such as 1 or 2
- Save your changes by clicking on the “Update Preview” button located at the bottom of the page, then select “Save
How to make text bigger (or smaller)?
How Do You Change Font Size on Tumblr?
If you want to change the font size on your Tumblr blog, there are a few different ways you can do it. One way is to go into the “Appearance” section of your Tumblr dashboard and look for the “Fonts” option. From there, you can select from a number of different font sizes for your blog.
Another way to change the font size on Tumblr is by using HTML tags. For example, if you want to make all the text on your blog larger, you would use the tag. Or, if you wanted to make just one piece of text larger, you could wrap that text in tags with a style attribute set to “font-size:larger;”.
Finally, if you’re comfortable working with CSS code, you can always add custom CSS rules to change the font size on your Tumblr blog. If you go this route, just be aware that some themes may override any changes you make with CSS.
How Do You Edit Text on Tumblr?
Assuming you want to know how to edit posts on Tumblr: To edit a post on Tumblr, simply click the pencil icon located in the top right corner of the post. This will open up a pop-up window where you can make changes to your original post.
Once you’re satisfied with your edits, simply click the “Save” button and your changes will be published.
What Font Does Tumblr Use?
Tumblr uses the following fonts:
-Georgia for body text
-Arial for headings and posts
-Helvetica Neue for logos and branding
While you can technically change the fonts used on your Tumblr blog, it’s not recommended as it can affect how your theme looks. If you want to change the font used on your Tumblr blog, you’ll need to edit the HTML code.
How Do You Italicize on Tumblr?
If you want to italicize text on Tumblr, you need to use HTML tags. To do this, you need to wrap the text you want to italicize in and tags. For example, if you wanted to italicize the word “hello,” you would write it like this: hello.
It’s important to note that not all browsers support italics via HTML. So, if someone is viewing your Tumblr page in a browser that doesn’t support HTML, they won’t see the text as being Italicized.
How to Change Text Size on Tumblr Mobile?
If you’re using Tumblr on your mobile device, you may find that the default text size is too small for your liking. Fortunately, it’s easy to change the text size in the Tumblr app. Here’s how:
1. Open the Tumblr app and tap the account icon in the top-right corner of the screen.
2. On the account page, scroll down and tap “Settings.”
3. In the Settings menu, tap “General.”
4. Under “General Settings,” you’ll see an option for “Text Size.” Tap this option.
5. You’ll now see a slider that allows you to adjust the text size from Small to Large (or anywhere in between).
Move the slider to your desired setting and then tap “Done” in the top-right corner of the screen.
How to Make Text Smaller on Tumblr Keyboard?
If you want to make your text smaller on Tumblr, there are a few different ways that you can do it. One way is to use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + -“. This will decrease the font size by one increment each time you press the keys. Another way to change the font size is to go into the “Edit Theme” page and scroll down to the “Customize Theme” section. Here, you can use the slider next to “Font Size” to adjust how big or small your text appears on your blog.
Finally, if you want even more control over the appearance of your text, you can add custom CSS code in the “Advanced Options” section. Simply enter the CSS code that you want to use and it will be applied to your blog.
How to Make Small Text on Tumblr Mobile?
If you’re a Tumblr user, you may have noticed that the text on your dashboard is tiny and hard to read. Fortunately, there’s a way to change this! Here’s how to make small text on Tumblr mobile:
1. Tap the gear icon in the top-right corner of your dashboard.
2. Select “Settings” from the menu that appears.
3. Scroll down and tap “Advanced Settings.”
4. Tap “Dashboard Appearance.”
5. Change the “Text Size” setting to “Larger.”
That’s it!
Your text will now be larger and easier to read on Tumblr mobile.
If you want to make your text smaller on Tumblr, there are a few different ways that you can do it. One way is to use the HTML tag . This will make all of the text within the tags appear smaller.
Another way is to use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). You can add CSS code to your Tumblr theme to change the font size for all of the text on your blog. Finally, you can use inline CSS to change the font size for specific pieces of text.
I am a tech enthusiast who loves to write about the latest trends in the tech world. I am also a big fan of computer gaming and enjoy spending my free time tinkering with new software and hardware. I believe that technology can change the world for the better and I am always excited to learn about new developments in this field.