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What is the Difference between RAM Slots 1 And 3 Vs 2 And 4?

Last Updated on November 22, 2022 by Tech Questions

There are several key differences between ram slots 1 and 3 vs 2 and 4. Perhaps the most important difference is that ram slot 1 supports DDR3 while ram slot 3 supports DDR4. This means that if you have a motherboard with both types of slots, you can upgrade your memory without having to replace your existing modules.

Another significant difference is the number of pins on each slot. Ram slot 1 has 240 pins while ram slot 3 has only 204. This means that there are more contact points on ram slot 1, which can provide a higher data transfer rate.

Finally, ram slot 1 is typically faster than ram slot 3 due to its increased bandwidth.

The world of computers can be a confusing one, especially when it comes to technical terms. Today, we’re going to help clear up one such term – ram slots. Specifically, we’ll be discussing the difference between ram slots 1 and 3 vs 2 and 4.

To start, let’s first define what ram is. Ram stands for Random Access Memory, and is a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly. That is, any location on the Ram chip can be accessed without having to go through the previous locations.

This makes Ram ideal for use in computers, as opposed to other types of memory which require a specific order when accessing data. Ram chips are made up of small capacitors which store electrical charges. These charges represent the 1s and 0s of binary code – the language of computers.

When a computer needs to access data stored in Ram, an electrical charge is sent through the appropriate wires to select the desired capacitor. The larger the capacity of the capacitor, the more data it can store (this is why higher-capacity Ram chips are more expensive). Now that we know what Ram is and how it works, let’s get back to our original question – what’s the difference between ram slots 1 and 3 vs 2 and 4?

Quite simply, it all has to do with speed and compatibility. Slots 1 and 3 are faster than slots 2 and 4, but not all motherboards are compatible with both types of slots. So if you’re looking to upgrade your computer’s memory, be sure to check which type of slot your motherboard uses before making your purchase!

Ram Slots 1 3 Vs 2 4| Which Slot Order to Fill First? Clear-cut Explanation

Is It Better to Use 4 Slots for RAM Or 2?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors. If you are simply looking for the best possible performance, then using 4 slots for RAM is the way to go. However, if you are constrained by budget or other factors, then using 2 slots for RAM may be the better option.

Ultimately, it is up to the individual user to decide what works best for their needs.

Does It Matter Which Slot I Put My RAM In?

One of the most common questions we get asked is “Does it matter which slot I put my RAM in?” It certainly can, especially if you have a dual- or triple-channel motherboard. But even if you don’t, there are other factors that come into play when deciding which slot to use first.

Let’s take a look at those now. The first thing to consider is the type of RAM you have. If you have identical sticks of DDR3, for example, they can be inserted into either slot A1 and B1 or A2 and B2.

However, if you only have one stick of DDR3 and one stick of DDR4, they cannot be used together in a dual-channel configuration. In this case, it would be better to put the DDR3 in slot A1 and the DDR4 in slot B2. Another factor to consider is your CPU cooler.

Some coolers will block off access to certain RAM slots, so you will need to check compatibility before purchasing any new RAM modules. For example, many AMD stock coolers will block off access to the second and fourth RAM slots on an AM4 motherboard (the first and third are still accessible). If this is the case with your cooler, then obviously you will need to populate those slots that are not blocked off by your CPU cooler.

Finally, some motherboards have different colored RAM slots that indicate what speed each slot is rated for. While it is technically possible to run slower RAM modules in faster slots (and vice versa), doing so can lead to stability issues down the road. For best results, always populate each RAM slot with a module that meets or exceeds its rated speed specification.

Should RAM Be in the 1 And 3 Slot?

There’s no definitive answer to this question – ultimately, it depends on your specific motherboard and what it supports. Some motherboards will work just fine with RAM in the 1 and 3 slots, while others may not be able to properly utilize all of the RAM if it’s installed in those slots. So, if you’re unsure about whether or not your motherboard can support RAM in the 1 and 3 slots, it’s best to check with the manufacturer first.

Which RAM Slots to Fill First?

Most motherboards have two or four RAM slots. You can put any size RAM in any slot as long as it is the right type of RAM for your motherboard. The general rule is that you fill up the slots with the largest pieces of RAM first and then work your way down to smaller sizes.

What is the Difference between Ram Slots 1 And 3 Vs 2 And 4 ?

RAM Slots 1 3 Vs 2 + 4 Reddit

When it comes to RAM slots, there are two different schools of thought: 1 slot vs. 2 slots. Here’s a look at the pros and cons of each option to help you make the best decision for your needs.

Pros. of 1 RAM Slot

The biggest advantage of having just one RAM slot is that it’s much easier to install and replace modules. You don’t have to worry about aligning the notches correctly or getting the module in at just the right angle. It also saves time when you’re swapping out modules because you don’t have to remove both sticks before inserting a new one.

Another advantage is that most motherboards these days come with four memory slots, so even if you only use one slot, you still have room to upgrade in the future without having to replace your entire motherboard. And since many people never use more than 4GB of RAM anyway, using just one slot shouldn’t be a problem for most users.

Pros. of 2 RAM Slot

The primary benefit of using two RAM slots is that it allows you to take advantage of dual-channel memory configurations. This means that data can be transferred between the two modules on separate channels, which can speed up performance by as much as 50%. So if you’re looking for every last ounce of performance from your system, using two RAM slots is the way to go.

Another good reason to use two slots is if you plan on upgrading your memory in the future. If you start with just one 4GB stick and then later want to add another 4GB stick, you’ll be able to take full advantage of dual-channel mode without having to replace your existing module. So Which Should You Use?

1 Slot or 2 Slots? As with most things in life, there isn’t a clear-cut answer when it comes to whether 1 slot or 2 slots is better for your needs.

Can I Put RAM in Slots 3 And 4?

If you want to upgrade your computer’s RAM, you may be wondering if you can put the new RAM in slots 3 and 4. The answer is yes! You can put RAM in any slot that you like, as long as there are open slots available.

Just keep in mind that putting RAM in different slots can affect your computer’s performance.

RAM Slots 1 And 3 Not Working

If you have a computer with only two working RAM slots, you may be wondering why your third slot isn’t working. There could be a few reasons for this. Here are some things to check if you’re having this problem:

First, make sure that the RAM module is seated properly in the slot. If it’s not making good contact with the connectors, it won’t work. Also, check to see if there is any dust or debris blocking the connection.

Next, try reseating the RAM module. Sometimes they can become loose over time and just need to be snugged back into place. If neither of those solutions work, then it’s possible that the RAM slot itself is damaged and needs to be replaced.

This is usually a job for a qualified technician, so take your computer to your local repair shop if this is the case.


The debate of which dual-channel RAM configuration is better, 1 and 3 vs 2 and 4, has been around for a while. There are benefits and drawbacks to both setups. In the end, it really comes down to what you need and want from your PC.