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Will 1.5V RAM Work on 1.35V RAM Laptop?

Last Updated on November 5, 2022 by Tech Questions

It’s a common question people ask when they’re looking to upgrade their laptops – will 1.5V RAM work on a 1.35V laptop? The answer is yes, in most cases it will work just fine. There are a few things to keep in mind though, before you go ahead and make the purchase.

It’s a common question- can 1.5V RAM work on a 1.35V laptop? The answer is yes, but there may be some performance issues. 1.5V RAM is not compatible with all laptops and may cause stability problems on some systems.

It’s important to check your laptop’s specifications before purchasing any RAM upgrades.

1.35 V RAM in a 1.5 V system – Will it fry or overclock? (2 Solutions!!)

Can I Use 1.5 V RAM in 1.35 V Laptop?

No, 1.5 V RAM will not work in a 1.35 V laptop. The two voltages are not compatible and the RAM will not function properly if used in a machine with a lower voltage setting. Additionally, using incompatible RAM can damage your laptop’s motherboard, so it’s important to be aware of the right type of RAM for your machine before making any upgrades.

Can I Use 2 Ram With Different Voltage?

Different types of RAM can have different voltages. It is important to check the voltage before purchasing RAM, as using RAM with the wrong voltage can damage your computer. In general, it is not recommended to mix and match different types of RAM.

Can You Mix 1.2 V Ram And 1.35 V Ram?

Yes, you can mix 1.2 V RAM and 1.35 V RAM in the same computer. The two types of RAM are not compatible with each other, but they will work together without any problems.

Will 1.5V Ram Work on 1.35V Ram Laptop?

1.5 V Memory Modules are Not Supported.

1.5 V Memory Modules are not supported in some of the latest computer models. This is because 1.5 V memory modules require a higher voltage to operate and thus are not compatible with the lower voltage requirements of newer computers. As a result, 1.5 V memory modules are not able to provide the same level of performance as their 2.5 V or 3.3 V counterparts.


DDR3 is the latest generation of double data rate (DDR) synchronous dynamic random-access memory (SDRAM). It is a high-performance RAM that delivers fast data processing and supports new levels of functionality in computing devices. DDR3 has a higher bandwidth than its predecessor, DDR2, and consumes less power.

This makes it ideal for use in laptops, netbooks, and other portable devices. The term “1.5V” refers to the voltage required to operate DDR3 SDRAM. This is lower than the 2.5V required by DDR2 SDRAM, which results in reduced power consumption.

1.5V DDR3 SDRAM also has a faster data transfer rate than DDR2 SDRAM, making it ideal for use in applications that require fast data processing.

Does Ram Voltage Matter?

If you’re a PC gamer, you know that one of the most important parts of your rig is the amount of RAM (random access memory) that you have. But what about the voltage of that RAM? Does it really matter?

The answer, in short, is yes. The voltage of your RAM can affect both its performance and its stability. Let’s take a look at why.

First, let’s talk about performance. When it comes to gaming, every little bit counts. And if you’re looking for a competitive edge, higher-voltage RAM can give you a slight boost in FPS (frames per second).

That’s because higher-voltage RAM can run at faster speeds, which means your CPU can get data from it more quickly. Of course, there are other factors that affect FPS more than RAM voltage, but if you’re looking for every advantage you can get, higher-voltage RAM is worth considering. Now let’s talk about stability.

This is especially important if you’re overclocking your CPU or GPU (or both). Overclocking pushes your components to their limits and beyond, which can lead to instability and even crashes. Higher-voltage RAM is less likely to crash under overclocked conditions than lower-voltage RAM , so if stability is your top priority, it’s worth spending the extra money on high-quality high-voltage RAM.


1.5V RAM will work on a 1.35V laptop as long as the voltage is within the operating range for the particular model of laptop. The specific voltage required for each model is generally printed on the bottom or side of the laptop. If it is not specified, 1.5 volts should be safe to use.